
Randy Zinn

Randy Zinn has worked as a software developer/architect in the Washington D.C. area for over 20 years and encountered an amazing number of characters and issues along the way – so much so that he has not one but two forthcoming memoirs about it. Whether an employee, contractor, or consultant through his own firm, he’s worked in the commercial sector and for NASA, the State Department, the Pentagon, and White House, among others. He brings considerable experience to not just surviving, but thriving in the often tumultuous corporate world, where unwelcome surprises can appear without warning.

He’s been featured/interviewed on numerous websites, including Scott Amyx and

He’s a proud father to a son (b. 2012) and daughter (b. 2016) and loves spending time with them when not playing golf, lap swimming, making music, or writing fiction. Under another name, he’s published fantasy stories with a literary bent and released several albums of his music (hard rock and acoustic guitar). He holds a Bachelors of Music in classical guitar, Magna cum Laude.

He’s also faced a variety of personal issues to be covered in memoirs, blogs, and a YouTube channel, including Attention Deficit Disorder, speech problems, depression, suicide, bullying, being Learning Disabled, and a crippling tendonitis injury, all of which he overcame.