5 Corporate Life Hacks – Coworkers!

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Tip #41: “Don’t Badmouth”

No matter how tempting, avoid badmouthing people at work. And when you hear them doing it to others, pay attention: they’re letting you know they’ll do it to you, so it pays to not offend them. If you’re keen to badmouth anyway, never be the first to criticize someone. Let someone else take the risk that not everyone in the room will agree with them or support them for doing it.

Tip #42: “Beware of Jokers”

People can sometimes jokingly criticize you, such as blaming you for something. Do not humor this, not even for trivial things, and especially not in front of other people, as they may be gearing up to do it for real later. Jokingly scapegoating you easily turns into the real thing. Generally, any negative comment at your expense is not to be viewed lightly, even if it is made lightly. It’s okay to show no sense of humor about this.

Tip #43: “Schmoozing is Golden”

Conversations with peers about non-work related items get a free pass, generally, even if a talk lasts an hour! That depends on work getting done, of course, but it’s considered part of bonding and team building. We’re social creatures and never doing small talk with peers might reflect poorly on you. Besides, being liked can help save you from the chopping block.

Tip #44: “Beware of the Manager CC”

Sometimes you are emailing back and forth with a coworker or client, and someone CCs a manager. Tread lightly here if you’re the one including them. It can be seen as tattling or putting the other person on notice that an authority figure is now involved. The graceful way to do that is to ask the manager a question in the email so it looks less like tattling. Of course, it depends on what is being discussed.

Tip #45: “You Will Be Left Out”

Cliques exist in all walks of life. You may discover one (or more) at work once hired, or it forms later, and you may get no chance to join. These can be frustrating, but remember that this is your job, not a social club, and curb the hurt feelings. Pouting has never gotten anyone invited to anything.