
Hello and welcome to the site where I post articles and videos about all the adversity I’ve had to deal with in life. It led to my slogan: “Struggle. Overcome. Repeat.” For more details on me personally, check out my bio, which will give you an idea what will be on this site in time.

To start, I’m focusing on my ideas about why we all do the things we do (psychology and philosophy, basically), and issues in the corporate world (because I have two forthcoming books about it).

– Randy Zinn

Featured Books

About Corporate Hell

Most of my books are memoirs, but two others are about life in the corporate world. Tips on Surviving Corporate Hell is now available while The Corporate Hell Survival Guide (which those tips are drawn from) will be released in August 2021.

Tips on Surviving Corporate Hell

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5 Corporate Life Hacks – After Leaving

Get these tips as a free eBook by joining the newsletter here. Tip #106: “Goodbye is Forever” You will probably never see these people again. The bigger the metropolis or industry you work in, the truer this is. You can Read More …

5 Corporate Life Hacks – On the Way Out

Get these tips as a free eBook by joining the newsletter here. Tip #101: “Exit Interviews Can Only Hurt You” Do not say anything negative in an exit interview. The reason is that you are leaving and any problems at Read More …

5 Corporate Life Hacks – Before Leaving

Get these tips as a free eBook by joining the newsletter here. Tip #96: “Grab Files” Technically, anything you did at work belongs to your employer and you’re not allowed to keep a copy, but they usually can’t stop you. Read More …

Patreon Bonus – After Leaving Video

The early release for the after leaving video is ready for patrons. Just visit http://bit.ly/IAmRandPatreon to watch it now. Related posts: 5 Corporate Life Hacks – On the Way Out 5 Corporate Life Hacks – After Leaving Patreon Bonus – Read More …

5 Corporate Life Hacks – Impending Departures

Get these tips as a free eBook by joining the newsletter here. Tip #91: “Two Weeks’ Notice Can Get You Fired” Once you resign, employers sometimes fire you immediately instead of letting you complete the two weeks’ notice you gave. Read More …

Patreon Bonus – Last Day Video

The early release for the last day video is ready for patrons. Just visit http://bit.ly/IAmRandPatreon to watch it now. Related posts: 5 Corporate Life Hacks – On the Way Out 5 Corporate Life Hacks – After Leaving Patreon Bonus – Read More …

5 Corporate Life Hacks – Looking for New Work

Get these tips as a free eBook by joining the newsletter here. Tip #86: “Employers Do Fire Those Looking to Leave” It happens. Your employer learns you’re looking for another job and fires you. The reasons vary, from assuming you Read More …

Patreon Bonus – Before Leaving Work Video

The early release for the before leaving a job video is ready for patrons. Just visit http://bit.ly/IAmRandPatreon to watch it now. Related posts: 5 Corporate Life Hacks – On the Way Out 5 Corporate Life Hacks – After Leaving Patreon Read More …

5 Corporate Life Hacks – Threats to Your Job

Get these tips as a free eBook by joining the newsletter here. Tip #81: “Lost Contracts Happen” Your employer can lose a contract with a client and not have another to put you on. Now, instead of making them money Read More …

Patreon Bonus – Job Search Video

The early release for the job search video is ready for patrons. Just visit http://bit.ly/IAmRandPatreon to watch it now. Related posts: 5 Corporate Life Hacks – On the Way Out 5 Corporate Life Hacks – After Leaving Patreon Bonus – Read More …